Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Belly Diaries - 27 weeks

Hello boys

Another week has gone by already. Each day we get closer and closer to meeting you! But not for a while please. Stay put and keep cooking little ones.

This week your dad and I discovered a very amusing past-time. This is how it's played: Take a hand (one of ours) and place it on my belly; Feel around for the hardest spots, which are where you and your brother are pressed up nice and tight against my skin; Press down firmly, but gently; Wait, and oh! There it is! You've said hello! You press, kick, or roll back in response to the pressure, and it's just amazing.

I passed my latest round of medical tests with flying colours too: good antibodies, good glucose tolerance, and acceptable iron levels. We had a quick scan at the obstetrician's clinic, and you boys are looking good and healthy for your ages. Your Mama is measuring the equivalent of a woman who is 32 weeks pregnant with one baby. How about that!

Next week we get to see you properly at the ultrasound clinic and we can't wait. So until then darlings, stay warm, comfy, and keep growing!

I love you
Your Mama

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Thank you for posting! You've just made my day :)