Monday, June 18, 2012

The week... briefly

An attack of appendicitis followed by swift removal of said appendix is how this week began. For me, at least. I'm so glam when I'm sick. H.O.T.

Once that was over (ouch), I settled in and enjoyed my little family and made the most of enforced rest.

Obsessed with painted cane and wicker furniture. Hello turquoise!

Practicing fine motor skills (while secretly trying to work out if Hamish is a lefty or a righty). He's excellent with tongs. Definitely a BBQer of the future.

Editing the next issue of Multiplied. Yes, my babies. I know. But they're such compliant models. Didn't even kick up a fuss when I tied scarves around their necks.

Rocky rollin' - this kid is a rock-star. 
Making shoe rainbows and singing,  "I can sing a shoe rainbow, sing a shoe rainbow, sing a shoe rainbow tooooooo".

Unnecessary gratuitous cuteness

Swimming lessons - thank goodness for heated pools. It's really chilly this winter, and I adore it. Now if only I could convince T we needed to install a fireplace.

Out of the Box Children's Festival - newsreaders and newsshredders of the future?

Cooking from my trusty collection of Donna Hay cookbooks and mags. She's fab. 


  1. Oh Jen, you poor thing! I actually popped over here yesterday to see if I'd missed any of your posts. Hope you weren't in hospital too long and it wasn't too painful :( Your boys are so gorgeous, I know I say it every time I comment, but they are :) Love the swimming photo. What's 'Multiplied'? Do you write for it or something? x

    1. Hello Amanda! Happy Monday. Appendicitis is revolting: I don't recommend it. Not at all. My bounce-back-ability has been somewhat hindered by age, exhaustion, and toddler taming too, I suspect. Multiplied is a magazine I launched late last year for parents of twins, triplets and higher order multiples. Why not add more work to the pile, hey! Have a gorgeous week xxx

  2. Ouch, you poor thing. I had mine out about 9-10 years ago, so pre-kids! I was able to go home and do absolutely nothing. Either way it's not much fun.


Thank you for posting! You've just made my day :)