Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day

Being a mama is the greatest privilege. I adore my boys. They complete my life.

I've been very blessed in this journey. I've never wished it away. I've never regretted it. I've never felt scared, or lost, or paralysed by fear.

Some days, of course, are harder than others, of course they are. But many, many days are blissful. Millions of moments are pure joy. On the whole, I haven't found motherhood hard, or horrible, or relentless, or thankless.

It's hard to admit this out loud sometimes. I'm always so conscious that everyone's experience is different. Everyone's experience is their own. And many many mothers suffer terribly from PND, anxiety, and lack of support.

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

Every day I am grateful.

Thank you my darling boys for making me a mama.

I love this photo. T caught us mid-just-doing-what-we-do.

This is a snapshot of my life. Of my love. Of my loves.


  1. That photo is beautiful. I've found motherhood hard and challenging, but ultimately rewarding, blissful, amazing and full of growth for all of us. Lovely post xx

    1. So true Elisa. I think for me, so much of it was about expectation. When I found out I was having twins, every horror story came out of the woodwork. Every book told me how horrible and difficult it was going to be. Every person told me to prepare for the worst, and recounted the worst twin story they had ever heard. I think I had such a bad picture in my head, I have been pleasantly surprised! Much love to you x

  2. What a beautiful photo of you and your precious boys. I love that it is such a candid shot. And your beautiful words are so touching x

  3. I love love love this photo of you and your gorgeous boys!! Love it!

  4. Such a beautiful photo of you and your boys. xo

  5. That is a lovely photo...and lovely words.
    I feel the same way about motherhood...there are of course some hard days but mostly I am grateful that my mothering journey has been smooth and full of love.

  6. Lovely xxx it's so much fun xxx your post just put a smile on my face x

  7. Lovely photo of you and your adorable boys.

    I also have a boy called Hamish! Great name! He'll be the big three in four weeks!

    I've also stumbled across another Mothers blog called Mummy Muddles, one Mummy's truth. Rachel is her name. She is a lovely and brave writer. It's about her son Hamish.

    Take care,



Thank you for posting! You've just made my day :)