Monday, January 7, 2013

1 / 52

I'm so excited about joining in with Jodi from Che and Fidel and her 'A Portrait a Week' project. I take so many photos of the boys, but in all honesty, most of them are terrible. I'm looking forward to working on my photography skills (including progressing from my iphone!) and capturing special moments in their tiny lives.

Hamish, devouring a mango "ponkipine". The taste of summer. He asks for this at least five times a day. This one is a fruitarian.

Roc. Finding quiet and calm in sleep. He never stops moving or talking, so I love watching him sleep. I think his lips are perfection.


  1. Ahhh - that sleeping photo! So lovely. And such a great project, I'm thrilled to be taking part. x

  2. What bliss! These make me long for summer.
    Nice to meet you.

  3. Yay love seeing photos from your beautiful life! Keep them coming x

  4. I know I'm going to love the 52 project! "Ponkipine" - love it. x

  5. He certainly looks like he is enjoying that Mango. My two love the fruits at this time of year too.
    Love a sleeping boy. So nice to see there little bodies at rest.

  6. Those photos are gorgeous!

    I love the mango "ponkipine"
    I am raising a fruitarian also.

    I am looking forward to seeing your boys over the course of the year!

  7. Those aren't terrible at all! So sweet! :-)
    Looking forward to watching your 52 project!


Thank you for posting! You've just made my day :)